Georgetown College is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). All of Georgetown College's preparation programs are approved by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB). Completing an approved certification program at an accredited educator preparation provider is the preparation route most likely to be recognized by other states for certification in that state. 


The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) coordinates the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, the purpose of which is "to provide a mechanism to inform the [NASDTEC] Membership and the public of Jurisdiction- Specific Requirements for educator licensure in each Member Jurisdiction." Most states and U.S. territories are signatories to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement.


From the NASDTEC website's "Information for Out-of-State Applicants" section:  


IMPORTANT NOTE TO PROSPECTIVE TEACHER CANDIDATES:  Each state is responsible for its own certification/licensure requirements, which may change without notice to NASDTEC or your university's certification officers or your state's office of certification.  You must contact the office of certification in any state to which you may be relocating to get the most accurate information on certification requirements. The map link in the next paragraph will help you locate the main web page for the entity in each state that is responsible for educator certification.  One important guideline is that reciprocity is always easier if you completed the certification requirements and obtained your teaching credential in the state where you completed your program requirements.


NOTE: All information is provided by the jurisdiction and NASDTEC does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Questions should be submitted to the jurisdiction.  Here is a link to the map that provides a link to the main webpage of each jurisdiction.”

For your convenience, here is a link to the state contacts for Teacher Education:

Receiving State Georgetown College Initial Teacher Certification Comparison to Receiving State's Certification Requirements. All Georgetown College programs are approved by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board, and the EPP is CAEP accredited at both the initial and advanced levels. Since states' requirements change frequently, users of this information are encouraged to contact the appropriate state agency in the receiving state to confirm eligibility for certification and any additional requirements. 
Alabama Meets Alabama requirements if applicant earns required scores on required assessments and required work experience.
Alaska Meets Alaska requirements if applicant has never had an Alaska teacher certificate and has a current, valid, out-of-state teacher certificate.
Arizona Meets Arizona requirements if  applicant holds a valid, comparable certificate  in good standing in another state. Does require a transcript review. 
Arkansas Does not meet Arkansas requirement for an Arkansas history course.
California Does not meet California requirement of holding an ELL endorsement. 
Colorado Meets Colorado requirement if applicant holds an identical certificate and has 3 three years of teaching experience in the area of certification.
Connecticut Evidence of certified educators' professional assessments, coursework, and experience must be submitted to the Connecticut Bureau of Certification.
Delaware Meets Deleware requirements if applicant holds a current professional certificate and has at least one year of teaching experience with a professional certificate. If credential is not accepted via reciprocity, additional documentation will be required. 
DC Meets District of Columbia requirements if applicant has earned required assessment scores and performance rating.
Florida Meets Florida requirements if applicant holds a valid certificate comparable to a Florida certificate and demonstrates mastery of subject area knowledge.
Georgia Georgia's Special Requirements must be met in 5 categories for reciprocity (hold a professional certificate, demonstrate content knowledge, pass an FBI background check, satisfy ethics assessment requirement).
Hawaii Meets if applicant passes licensure assessments comparable to Hawaii's; additional documentation required depending on teaching experience. 
Idaho Meets if applicant holds a valid out-of-state certificate or completed an out-of-state educator preparation program within two previous years.
Illinois Meets Illinois requirements for reciprocity if applicant holds a valid out-of-state teaching license equivalent to the Illinois Professional License; state agency reviews documents and may ask for additional information. GC is not a pre-approved provider. 
Indiana Meets Indiana requirements if applicant earned a passing score on required content exams, completes suicide prevention, completes CPR training.  requirements  if passing score onrequired content exams and hashad suicide prevention and CPR training.
Iowa Meets Iowa requirements if currently holding a valid Kentucky professional certificate: transcript and assessment review are required.
Kansas Meets Kansas requirements if holding a valid Kentucky professional certificate, earned eight semester credit hours or earned one year of teaching experience in past 6 years, and passed comparable content and pedagogy tests. NOTE:  3 to 5 years of teaching may exempt applicant from testing and earn professional certificate. NOTE: No experience required for initial license. 
Kentucky Meets
Louisiana Meets Louisiana requirements if candidate has taught as a certified teacher in an elementary or secondary school within the past five years. If not, candidate must complete six semester credits at a regionally accredited college or university.
Maine Meets Maine requirements if the candidate holds a valid teaching certificate and passed content assessment exam in the area of certification; special provisions are made for designated shortage areas for 2022-2023 and may be updated annually. 
Maryland Meets if applicant holds a professional certificate and has 3 years of experience teaching in another state during the past 7 years; recent graduates must submit passing scores on a basic skills test OR minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on most recent degree and passing content and pedagogy assessments, including the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary when applicable. 
Massachusetts Does not meet Massachusetts requirements without additional coursework, including an SEI endorsement for core academic teachers and passing the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure; however, may be eligible for a one-year temporary license based on Georgetown College's CAEP Accreditation. 
Michigan Meets Michigan requirements if the certified applicant has 3 years of teaching experience and has earned 18 semester hours in a Planned Program since initial certification. Michigan also requires current training in first aid and CPR and completion of Michigan Test for Teacher Certification. An applicant certified in another state may be eligile for a temporary teaching certificate for one year while completing test requirements.
Minnesota Meets with passing score on Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations: specific Tier eligibility depends on multiple factors including whether applicant has a job offer. 
Mississippi Meets Mississippi requirements.
Missouri Meets Misssouri requirements. 
Montana Certified program completers may apply for a Standard Teaching license based on Georgetown College's CAEP accreditation if they have an earned master's degree or NBPTS and 2 years of experience, qualifying test scores, or a 3.0 GPA; those with less experience should contact the Montana Office of Public Instruction. Does not meet Montana requirement of completion of "An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana," which may be completed online.  
Nebraska Meets with documentation of recent college credits or employment as a certified educator within the past five years.
Nevada Meets Nevada requirements.
New Hampshire Satisfies New Hampshire requirements if applicant completed a traditional program; completers of certain alternative routes must have at least three years of full-time teaching experience in the previous seven years. Option 6 MAIC completers and proficiency evaluation completers are encouraged to consult with the New Hampshire Department of Education to determine if the definition of alternative route applies to their program. 
New Jersey Meets New Jersey requirements if applicant’s content assessment scores satisfy then-current required score. 
New Mexico Meets New Mexico if passing score are earned on required PRAXIS test, including a Teaching of Reading for elementary applicants. 
New York Meets New York requirements but will require training  in child abuse identification and reporting; school violence prevention and intervention; harassment, bulling and discrimination and intervention with a NYSED-approved provider. 
North Carolina Meets North Carolina requirements in most areas, but some content areas will require applicants to submit passing scores on additional tests. Consult current NC list to verify. 
North Dakota Does not meet North Dakota requirement for course in Native American Studies.
Ohio Meets Ohio requirements but applicants for Ohio early childhood, middle childhood, and intervention specialist licensure must submit passing scores on the Ohio Assessment for Educators Foundations of Reading test. 
Oklahoma Meets Oklahoma requirements. 
Oregon Meets Oregon requirements. 
Pennsylvania Meets Pennsylvania requirements with submission of passing content assessment scores. 
Rhode Island Meets Rhode Island requirements with submission passing assessment scores. 
South Carolina Meets South Carolina requirements. 
South Dakota Meets South Dakota requirements but applicants are required to complete a South Dakota Indian Studies course in their first year and to complete suicide awareness and prevention training. 
Tennessee Meets Tennessee requirements if the applicant holds a valid professional license; otherwise, applicant must satisfy assessment requirements. 
Texas Meets Texas requirements if applicants passes Texas assessments or passes comparable assessments as identified by the Texas Education Agency or satisfies then-current requirements for an exemption. 
Utah Meets Utah requirements but applicants are required to complete an online Educator Ethics Review course. 
Vermont Meets Vermont requirements if applicant completed coursework within previous ten years.
Virginia Meets Virginia requirements but applicants are required to complete training in child abuse and neglect, first aid, CPR, AEDs, and dyslexia awareness. 
Washington Meets Washington state requirements except coursework addressing abuse. 
West Virginia Meets West Virginia requirements. 
Wisconsin Does not meet the Wisconsin requirement for coursework related to American Indian tribes and bands. Applicants have twelve months after licensure is granted to demonstrate competency in conflict resolution and peer mediation. 
Wyoming Meets Wyoming's general requirements, although some areas may require additional assessments and courses. 

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